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Armenian Spaghetti by


1 Box of Spaghetti
2 Pounds Ground Beef 80/20
All Spice
1-2 Cans of Tomato Paste
1 Large Onion


Chop onions into small squares. Put on stove and sauté in olive oil with allspice and salt. Once they become soft and translucent, add the ground beef and sauté on high until brown (stir). Lower to simmer and add the tomato paste until it's evenly distributed and red. Then add water (with the same can) until the meat is covered completely. Simmer for a half hour, occasionally stirring, with top on. Boil noodles and place them in stern with a little sauce from the ground beef. Put all the ingredients together in the sterno and stir gently, and add a little more salt and allspice. Put in oven at 400 degrees for at least a half hour (toss every 10 minutes).

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