Preserved Mustard Greens by Allen Neighborhood Center



Veggie Box Mustard Greens Heaping table spoon of salt


Thoroughly wash the greens and air dry completely for 12 hours. Loose stalks can be bundled with twine or a rubber band and hung to dry. Leaves should be free of surface water and slightly wilted. Chop leaves including stalks to desired size (normally around 1/4” to 1/2“ pieces). In a large bowl sprinkle salt onto every layer of greens and knead vegetables with clean hands until they are well coated. Transfer greens into a clean, sanitized container, and let marinate in the fridge for three days. They can be stored for several months if handled properly (make sure utensils, hands, containers, etc. are clean when preparing—be attentive to signs of spoilage like off smells or mold). You can use these preserved greens as a side to add a bit of tang to your meal, used as a topping on rice or potatoes, or served in soups and stir-frys. Try sautéing them with garlic, some dried chilis, and edamame for a simple but flavorful meal. Because they are salted most recipes you use these in don’t need additional salt. If they are too salty you can always rinse before cooking as well.