Hunter Stew by JordanH



• 2 lbs cubed beef (use a lean cut like sirloin) • 2 handfuls fresh blueberries • 4 cups baby carrots, sliced in half lengthwise • butter • coconut oil for frying • salt/pepper/oregano/garlic powder • 1 large onion, sliced in semicircles • optional: Red wine and Worcestershire sauce


Step One:
Brown the beef in coconut oil and put on a medium simmer with the onions while that all softens up. Once that's done...

Step Two:
Throw in the seasoning. Season to taste (lots of garlic recommended!) The carrots can go in, too. Add half a cup of red wine and a splash of Worcestershire sauce. Add enough water so the meat is mostly covered.
Let all this stew for about 30 mins on a medium heat.

Step Three:
Add the berries in the last ten minutes, with a teaspoon of butter to coat.

Step Four:
When the carrots are fork tender... serve, and nom that deliciousness!

Servings: 4